Monday, April 2, 2007

Vector art - Cliffhanger

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Cliffhanger by Leigh-thebault

A very beautiful vector art, both the concept and the design is nice.

Maybe we all can see the idea of this image, " in life there is always a balance of good and bad and that although theres always happyness and laughter theres always pain and sorrow somewhere else and vice versa" (original explanation from Leigh-thebault)

The concept of love and departure is depicted very clearly with the contrasting images of a hanging man and a couple. This image impressed (or even shocked me) when I first looked at it.

I also like the scenery of the image, this is a mix-genre art. The moon and the atmosphere create a fantasy look, very romantic and bright. Yet, the tree, the cliff and people is in complete black (which is frequently seen in vector art). I think this is another use of contrast (but this time, in color) and it make the image become more attractive.

To me, this image is disturbing, interesting and charming all at the same time.

1 comment:

Apple said...

I love this pix so much, the design skill is not super but the idea is great. simple but make ppl have to think deeply ^_^