Saturday, March 17, 2007

My favorite Fractal Art images

The first time I saw Fractal Art images was 2 years ago and I was fascinated by them at first sight. I love Fractal Art for its beauty and complexity. There’re a lot of fractal art galleries out there, but the greatest place to enjoy them is still Deviant Art (I think). I’m glad I first saw them at DA because when I search fractal art with Google, I hardly found any work as beautiful as the ones in DA.

Fractal art images are complex computer generated images or designs of amazing detail. There’re many free programs to generate them (but it’s not easy to imagine and make setting for these programs to get the beautiful images). After looking at many fractal art images, I realized that most of my favorites is created by Apophysis program. I chose 3 of my favorites with 3 different styles to talk about here. As I said, what are so great about these images are their details, so please look at the full size image if you have time (just click on the image for its original site and click Full view button).

Note: The “styles” I’m talking about is just what I defined myself to categorize what I like and what I want to make in the future ^^

Beyond by Ab1lity
Beyond by Ab1lity

I found this style (with fractal flames) is the most popular. I personally like this image the most in this style for its great depth and pleasant color. When I look at this one, it seems like I’m passing through an icy vein. This image also has good balance in the dark and bright space, so it doesn’t look too busy like some other images in the same style.

Into The Blue by_Ab1lity
Into The Blue by Ab1lity

I’m absolutely in love with this one and I’ve spent almost 30 minutes to look at it and admired the artist. The idea of symmetry is obvious and many fractal art pieces create their beauty with symmetry too. This image has gorgeous jewelry details, very complex yet clear. To me, it also has superb color combination, grey-black with white-blue. The main details really stand out by using different color from the background (oh, it’s dominance ^^), the colors are pleasant (not to mention they’re all my favorite colors). In general, this belongs to the style where artists use many circular shapes and symmetry. I myself like symmetry too, so I love this style the most.

An Ancient Message by banana_tree
An Ancient Message by banana tree

This one is what I’ve just found recently, it hasn’t been really popular yet but I think it’s beautiful too. The gradients, shapes, and colors are all in perfect harmony. I really love the marble gradient; it looks like an old, Greek mosaic (I love mosaic ever since I watched the anime Gankutsuo – The count of Monte Cristo). The lines and shapes are strong and clear. I think what makes it different from other style is the firm look instead of fantasy and flexible look. And finally, I love its rhythm composition.

1 comment:

Khang said...

I've seen "Into the blue" before, and I absolutely agree with you on its beauty =) The only thing I didn't know until now is that those graphics were created with specialized applications, not purely Photoshop and/or 3D max... if that was the case I'd be dead from the shame of my photoshop skills ... :D